Looking to cancel your subscription? You can do so by following the directions below. Please keep in mind that signing out of your account or deleting the Manta app from your mobile device does not cancel your subscription.
Also, please note that even if you cancel your subscription before your renewal date, you will still have access to Manta
until that subscription cycle ends.
- **Please keep in mind that if you subscribed on the web, you must cancel your subscription on the Manta web, not the app!
For iOS:
- Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the Manta app
- Click on the gray box marked as "Manta 1/3/12 Month" underneath your profile account
- Click on the "Manage" icon in the bottom right corner of the purple box labeled “Subscribed”
- Click on "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom of the page
- Choose the reason why you’re cancelling
- Press "Proceed to cancel" on the bottom of the page
- Press "Go to App Store" to continue canceling
- Press "Manta: Comics & Graphic Novels" under Active
- Press "Cancel Subscription" near the bottom of the page
- Press "Confirm"!
For Android:
- Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the Manta app
- Click on the gray box marked as "Manta 1/3/12 Month" underneath your profile account
- Click on the "Manage" icon in the bottom right corner of the purple box labeled "Subscribed"
- Click on "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom of the page!
- Choose the reason why you’re cancelling
- Press "Proceed to cancel" on the bottom of the page
- Press "Go to Play Store" to continue canceling
- Press "Manta: Comics & Graphic Novels" under Active
- Press "Cancel Subscription" on the bottom of the page
- Choose the reason why you’re canceling
- Press "Continue"
- Press "Cancel subscription"
You can also cancel your subscription on a Windows PC by following the directions below:
- Cancel Manta subscription for App Store purchases (PC Windows)
- Cancel Manta subscription for Google Play Store (PC Windows)
For Web:
- Log in to the Manta Web
- Click on the profile icon on the top right corner of the page
- Click on the "Manta 1/3/12 Month" banner
- Click on the purple “Manage" button
- Click on the "Cancel subscription" button
- Click on the purple "Cancel subscription" button that pops up if you’re sure you want to cancel!
- You’re all set! Click on the purple "Close" button to finish the cancellation process.
Once again, if you subscribed on the web, you must cancel your subscription on the web, not the app!
- ** Please note that Day Subscription tickets cannot be canceled nor refunded once they have been activated!
If you can't seem to cancel your subscription with the methods listed above, you will need to cancel your subscription with your billing company.
Let us know why you’re leaving through the feedback so we can improve in the future!
Just to let you know, you can restart your subscription anytime. We'll always be here.
Please refer to the screen recordings below for a step-by-step demonstration of how to cancel your subscription!