Welcome back! We missed you.
You can restart your subscription at any time by following the steps below!
For iOS:
- Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the Manta app.
- Click on the gray box marked as “Subscribe” underneath your profile account.
- Click on the “Manage” icon in the bottom right corner of the box labeled “Manta Subscription”.
- Click on “Restart Subscription” on the bottom of the page.
- On the app store, click on “Manta: Comics & Graphic Novels”.
- Click on the "Manta Subscription (1 Month)" option and confirm to resubscribe!
For Android:
- Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the Manta app.
- Click on the gray box marked as “Subscribe” underneath your profile account.
- Click on the “Manage” icon in the bottom right corner of the box labeled “Manta Subscription”.
- Click on “Restart Subscription” on the bottom of the page.
- On the Google Play Store, click on “Resubscribe” written in green letters under “Manta: Comics & Graphic Novels”
- Click “Resubscribe”!
When restarting your subscription, please make sure to check that you are logged in to the correct Manta account that you would like to use for the Manta service.
Thanks for coming back! You won't regret it.
On the web
If you canceled your subscription, please note that you can restart your subscription when your current one expires!
After it expires, you can follow these steps to re-subscribe:
- If you haven't already, sign into your account by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner
- Click on the purple "Go Subscribe" banner
- Click on the “Subscribe now” button
- Click on either “PayPal Subscribe” or “Debit or Credit Card” and proceed with the payment on the pop-up!